Project Name : 
PTTEP technology and Innovation Center (PTIC)

Location :
EEC, Thailand

Status : 
Design Competition

Owner : 
PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP)

Area :
30,000 sq.m

PTTEP technology and Innovation Center (PTIC)


PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP),Thailand national petroleum exploration and production company dedicating to provide a sustainable petroleum supply to Thailand would like to create there new research and museum in the new Thailand economic location which is called Eastern Economic Corridor(EEC).


The museum building will have 3 exhibitions including Sub surface resource, PTTEP business and AI and robotic. The building is design to represent the main business of PTTEP which is petroleum exploration and separated into 3 floors by location of each exhibition. Each part is represented 3 kinds of rocks that play important role to create petroleum. The lower floor is design as continue landscape and represent a Sedimentary rock that is the main resource for petroleum by use rammed earth material. the upper floor is represented Sandstone, the rock that reserve petroleum in side. This part will have porous surface similar to sand rock surface. The last stone is basalt stone which is a cap rock on top of the sandstone to protect the petroleum in side. This stone concept is applied on the roof of the building and also used the pattern of the rock surface is create a skylight pattern to the AI and robotic exhibition inside.


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